So, now that you know what encryption means, what exactly does this have to do with protecting your residence?
Just like there are bad people out there who want to steal your wallet, there are also people who want to gain access to your devices. Hacking is, unfortunately, becoming easier and easier as technology advances, especially if companies and manufacturers don’t take additional precautionary steps to protect their devices.
Most security systems now run on a wireless network, which means your devices, panels, and sensors communicate with your control panel through radio waves.
However, not all security systems are created equal.
For example, this Forbes article reports more than 300,000 American homes are susceptible to “hacks ‘unfixable’ SimpliSafe Alarm.”
Another report by Wired.com explains that there Xfinity security systems have flaws that “open homes to thieves.”
The article above states the following:
“All a thief has to do is use radio jamming equipment to block the signals that pass from a door, window, or motion sensor to the home’s baseband hub, according to Tod Beardsley, security research manager for Rapid7. The system fails to recognize when communication is halted and also “fails positive” instead of alerting the homeowner to a negative condition—that is, it will continue reporting that all sensors are intact and that windows and doors are secured even if they’re not, instead of warning homeowners to check the window or door.”
The fact that alarm systems can be super susceptible to radio jamming and hacking by technology-savvy thieves is a little unsettling, right?
Don’t fret, y taking some precautions, you can make it harder for unauthorized people to access your data.
There is one easy solution I recommend to help you protect the wireless signals that alarm systems use from hackers and thieves. Are you ready?
Use security technology that encrypts the data.
That’s right. Using security technology that encrypts data sent from your devices, sensors, and system will help keep you safe from hacking.